Existing space
If it’s been a while since you’ve last stepped into the clubhouse, please click into the above which will show you some of the carpet and paint we will be refreshing.
acton room
Please use the slider in the center of the screen to see before and after of the refresh.
The Acton Room will house a future bar. The space is darker and more intimate and intended to provide a lot of contrast against the beautiful views of 9 South and the Practice Range.
The furniture is only for scale and what is shown below is not the final selections.
Runyan room
Please use the slider in the center of the screen to see before and after of the refresh.
The Runyan Room is the most central and flexible dining space at the clubhouse. This space has been simplified and cleaned up and simplified to bring a much light in as possible.
The furniture is only for scale and what is shown below is not the final selections.
28th hole
Please use the slider in the center of the screen to see before and after of the refresh.
The 28th Hole is intended on being the most intimate and formal dining experience.
Founder’s Room
Please use the slider in the center of the screen to see before and after of the refresh.
Circulation Space
Please use the slider in the center of the screen to see before and after of the refresh.