23 garden st option 1: neighborhoods
Option 1 tries to divide the large site into clustered buildings at a neighborhood scale that all share a common plinth. The residential units are 500 and 750sf and are organized as single and double loaded corridors around vertical cores.
The ground floor has access to the residential towers and top of the plinth is a shared community amenity. The roofs of each tower can be an amenity specific to each building.
By cutting up the site we can actually fill it with more units. This also intends to help with daylighting lower units, views, and air movement.
The towers could have a double skins that make the whole site feel more sculptural and less like a giant block of apartments.
23 garden st option 2: geode
Option 2 fills the site and maxes out the FAR with a mix of 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units. The units are all pushed to the exterior of the site creating a central courtyard. The outside of the building is solid and balcony/amenity space faces inward to the courtyard. The ground floor level contains retail opportunities and residential entrances and could be a public corridor connecting people through the block.
A typical floor contains units 27 one bedroom units at 450-500sf, 4 two bedroom units at 675-730sf, a 2 larger units of 1100sf,
option 3: articulated bars
Option 3 also intends to maximize FAR over a shared plinth of retail, lobby and parking. The units are regular but the direction they face alternates floor to floor creating an irregular pattern. The two bars are double loaded corridors and are an efficient mix of 1 and 2 br units.