with ada ramp

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 mineral springs greenhouse development


previous iteration

UPDATED GREENHOUSE PER PLANS This update should align the original intent with the form of the concept renderings. The structure should be more realistic with the greenhouse bearing directly onto existing walls and the ground via a row of columns at the low valley in the center of the roof. That valley also doubles as a large gutter. The façade is split at the gutter to a set of 6 folding doors to one side and 3 to the other to hopefully minimize the beam/header dimension above them. The two outer portions of the roof are regular and I imagine some system to allow air to escape by pivoting windows. The transom windows above the bearing wall could also potentially open. A single column closes the shape near the existing HVAC and a thin panel or scrim could close the space above the partial wall and could potentially be penetrable for HVAC/services. You can use the slider to see the design in its most closed and open positions.