OPTION 1: City Terrace
The City Terrace Scheme opens to the city. The soft edges at E Jefferson and 13th step back as the building goes up allowing more light and air deeper into the site. The individual units step back to provide both private and communal exterior space. On each floor at the 13th Ave side there is a large terrace which is intended to be a community garden. If in the future we are still dealing with the current pandemic or a new one access to outdoor space, light, air and greenery become even more valuable and would differentiate this building from other apartment complexes in the city. The below images are just meant to convey massing and shouldn’t be taken literally yet. The window patterns, materials, unit development is still up for grabs

OPTION 2: Inner Terrace
The Inner Terrace Scheme intends to present a solid front to the city. The building then peels open on the inside exposing a network of stepped-back circulation surrounding communal courtyards. The intent is similar to the City Terrace scheme but individual exterior spaces are forgone in lieu of communal, shared spaces. If the City Terrace scheme opens itself to the city, the Inner Terrace scheme blocks it out and focuses inward. The below images are just meant to convey massing and shouldn’t be taken literally yet. The window patterns, materials, unit development is still up for grabs

Option 3: Sawtooth
The Sawtooth Scheme is a compact, double-loaded corridor aligned to the back of the site This would allow for a large plinth above the ground floor retail for a productive community space for the building. This creates a very efficient building with minimal circulation and provides outdoor space at both the scale of the individual unit as well as the building-scale. The below images are just meant to convey massing and shouldn’t be taken literally yet. The window patterns, materials, unit development is still up for grabs

Option 4: Neighborhood Clusters
Neighborhood Clusters is pretty straight forward. The building is broken into smaller massings which are more friendly at a civic scale and give the opportunity for different treatments, finishes, and vibes for each neighborhood cluster. The units are all organized as single loaded corridors around a large central courtyard. Each floor has their own private terrace for barbeques and gathering. The below images are just meant to convey massing and shouldn’t be taken literally yet. The window patterns, materials, unit development is still up for grabs.