OCEANA 06/18/2024


oceAna 06/12/2024


OCEANA 06/04/2024


oceana  06/03/2024



This is a sketch of a slightly different linear option. It’s conceived by making a linear row of our triangle on the site,. We can get 6 triangles in a row. From there, we omit the middle two and build to the extent of the street and the beach. After placing 4 prototypes, we can shift (similar to OJT at Chelston) to open up the back of the beach-side cluster for elevator, vertical circulation, bathrooms, storage, etc. The shifted area (in blue) would be the foundation we would want to initially pour). The shifting also allows the boardwalk to come through in the form of a wooden deck.



These aren’t quite plans yet, but the idea is that you could start to carve out open-air, public space on the ground floor by following the structural lines from the prototype above. All program on the ground floor in this case is covered but open. We would need to define what would be controlled space and what belonged to the people who weren’t affiliated with the school. The second floor is organized similarly around a common deck. On either side, you would have clusters of two classrooms. The deck in the center and toward the beach could be covered in fabric/shade sails



I suppose in this case we would define the foundation perimeter as soon as possible and try to build that. We would want to over-structure it for future flexibility. We would want to establish plumbing and prepare for an elevator too.

The next step would be to bring in the fully-finished prototypes and place them on the foundation.

Then, we would build a wooden deck that would go beyond the extentof our foundationo and create the boardwalk.

At that point, we would build all the other things…the interstitial stuff.



In this skectch, I am trying to make the prototype shine and really stand out as its own thing. There is no unifying facade between everything, there are finished protos and basically decking. The idea here is to clad the entire roof, walls, columns of the CLT in a coral stone tile. Then, we could have solid walls and breeze blocks of coral stone as well. The deck on the ground floor would be wood like a boardwalk and the upper floor and interstitial space would be an in-situ steel beam and metal mesh/walkway to allow for airflow and light.